To receive advice regarding your tax obligations
If you are a non-resident of Canada and own rental property located in Canada, you must comply with very specific obligations and file special income tax returns, which may result in some taxes to pay. Also, you may have income taxes to pay.
If you wish to sell your rental property, as a non-resident, you will need to obtain certificates of compliance before being authorized to close a sale in Canada.
In other words, if you owe income taxes to the Canadian and/or provincial governments following the sale of your rental property, you will need to settle your tax accounts before being able to obtain the required certificates of compliance.
Notaries are knowledgeable of these mandatory tax rules. In case of non-compliance with these rules, the buyer may incur responsibility for paying the income taxes that were not paid by the non-resident vendor.
We are able to provide you with information, coaching and advice regarding your tax obligations to comply with the requirements of Canadian and provincial tax authorities.
Contact us